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concerned Swanage, United Kingdom 3 hours ago
'Not in my back Yard' eh Jonathan, I'm sorry but in todays world, and the population of Britain which is now as hgh as it is, I dont think it is right or appropriate than anybody (other than farmers etc) should have more than an acre or two for their property and gardens. The population when i was born was approx 50.5 million. The population as of 2024 is estimated at 69.2 million(but it is virtually guaranteed that the 2024 figure is an Under-Estimate) and that the true population is approx is more likely to be around the 76 to 81 million mark. Thats a TRUE rise of 30 Million. You can, in this country, no longer make cities bigger and bigger, all that does is ensure that the crime rate gets higher as well, hence crime in big cities is far greater in this country. So more smaller communities with community policing is the much better and safer way, Swanage is not large(been there three times, very nice) and therefore should be built upon
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