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The Millionaires Club - Adding Images

It is now possible to link to images within your posts.

To do so, use the HTML <img> command and place it in your post. Any images placed on the first line of a post will be shown as [img] on the message lists so as not to clutter up the space, simply click on the message title to view the full message with the image.

How to use <img>

In order to post an image on the site, you need to know the images URL.

To find the URL, find the picture you like on the net (careful now!), right-click (PC) or CTRL+click (Mac) on it and choose "Properties". When the properties window appears, move over the URL info and right/CTRL click again and choose "Select All" and then Right/CTRL click again and select "Copy".

In the message you are posting, type "<img src=" and then hit CTRL+V, this pastes the url of the image into the message. After the URL you need to enter and quote mark and the closing angled bracket (">).

For instance to show this image:

Your message will include the code;
<img src="">

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