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 Messages  Author  Time 
Apparently, 10 years ago, Russell Brand was given a small gift......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  08:36:23 
Creeping up to that 68k level again.. no idea how long the Paris crap went on.. why ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:59:01 
Good speech.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:37:19 
It’s 11 o clock here. I shall be going to sleep soon after an attempted w@nk which ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  04:01:23 
>> just think of lady gaga. I'm going to bed I've done moaning about the olympics. ... [more]
 LP12  04:49:37 
Sick of hearing Trump's voice, going to vote Kamala...[more]
 Trig 🧊  03:54:40 
>> You have a vote ?
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:47:48 
>> No you ain’t trig.
 Denc 🗡  03:57:24 
Big fan of Michel Berger. Probably the greatest modern era writer of song (words n ... [more]
 LP12  03:25:41 
>> carp
 Trig 🧊  08:10:57 
>> Probably not really.
 Denc 🗡  03:41:47 
>> Oh I think so.
 LP12  03:53:06 
>> Modern French music sucks. Derivative and third rate. They have rappers ffs , ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:55:17 
>> yeah, it's dreadful by and large. I hear zero comtempary stuff that's ... [more]
 LP12  04:12:42 
>> mind u .. Glastonbury 2024? Taylor Swift. ...[more]
 LP12  04:23:25 
>> La groupie du pianiste (Remasterisé en 2002)...[more]
 LP12  03:30:12 
>> Quelques mots d'amour (Remasterisé en 2002)...[more]
 LP12  03:36:48 
>> You know and I know that anything of this sort is going to be an insult to to to ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:28:14 
>> the opening ceremony or the good stuff of yesterdays?
 LP12  03:32:11 
>> All of it
 Denc 🗡  03:32:43 
>> The whole Olympic thing, pitting people and nations against each other in ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:35:30 
>> meanwhile, the whole joly lumbers on, a monument to waste, 4am swimmimg ... [more]
 LP12  03:46:42 
>> We have won more medals than you so we are better than you. Ffs.
 Denc 🗡  03:37:08 
>> Do you really care which drug fueled African can run the fastest over ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:45:02 
>> To anything.
 Denc 🗡  03:45:36 
>> Next week you won’t remember their names
 Denc 🗡  03:46:35 
>> exactly. Pursuit of excellence n all that but... everyting must ... [more]
 LP12  03:51:19 
>> How is hop , skipping and jumping , excellence. It’s fcuking ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:53:27 
>> Ironic they want to just stop oil (stop cars and co2) the ... [more]
 LP12  04:07:40 
>> the sad part is islamic culture was ok. West even managed to ... [more]
 LP12  04:10:01 
>> And you don’t really gaf.
 Denc 🗡  03:48:51 
>> Paris was not built by shop stewards. Cumbernauld was.
 Denc 🗡  03:30:46 
How really stupid fcukwits screwed up the future…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  03:24:20 
>> I remember when this was the place everyone wanted to be.
 Denc 🗡  03:26:11 
>> women, & smart phones. reciepe 4 disaster
 LP12  03:33:58 
>> Socialists destroyed California
 Denc 🗡  03:50:06 
>> Its now a backward sh1t hole with serious safety issues and an ever ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:51:41 
>> You do realise every hour you chug west it gets earlier. nearly 5am here. ... [more]
 LP12  03:54:52 
>> Yes I know. My body clock is fcuked.
 Denc 🗡  03:56:53 
Do they look like what they are????...[more]
 Denc 🗡  03:11:20 
Another reason not to fly with them…....[more]
 Denc 🗡  03:06:54 
Yes you stupid peons , get back to the impoverished sh1t shoveling you so richly deserve…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  02:57:02 
Those Olympic results in full…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  02:47:50 
When you are down and out, people come to fcuk you…....[more]
 Denc 🗡  02:36:59 
>> When will we hang BLiar
 Denc 🗡  02:40:15 
>> Who did the most harm to Britain, Hitler or BLiar?
 Denc 🗡  02:41:09 
>> I frequently remember when I met this POS when he was 11 and I had the chance ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  02:54:12 
>> u met Charles Lynton?
 LP12  03:35:10 
>> Sure I have told you this before. When the horrible little Cunt was at the ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:39:11 
>> sure u never mentioned it. board will know (anyone heard this?)
 LP12  04:42:44 
>> 400 mothers would have thanked me.
 Denc 🗡  02:58:23 
Why we in Europe should welcome unskilled Muslim transexuals ?…....[more]
 Denc 🗡  02:29:36 
Fuckin RNLI sent a boat to tow this one to Dover...[more]
 Occhio Pazzo 🇬🇧  22:27:47 
'Gayest ever'......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  22:08:13 
>> yeah noticed that, slammed the bedroom door on the camera. Eiffel Tower lazer show ... [more]
 LP12  22:25:02 
>> Thats about 25 cents a crap.
 Denc 🗡  23:32:26 
First event at the Paris Olympics......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:51:14 
>> Second......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  22:05:15 
>> dodging seems rather unwelcoming
 Mike Mike  22:11:41 
Dunno, but I'm guessing......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:42:50 
>> Noticed his missus has taken his name off hers on her FB account. Used to be ... [more]
 Occhio Pazzo 🇬🇧  22:29:30 
>> Victim of divoc over-jabbing? He was flu jabbed to the eyeballs so his natural ... [more]
 LP12  23:07:05 
>> He had heart troubles before covid, fitted with stents. But he dropped lots of ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:26:51 
>> another couple of years
 Trig 🧊  21:49:29 
>> Doubt that. Brown bread I think. nm...[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:53:41 
>> I suspect not. Missus has divorced him I think. Hamster I believe is in Greece.
 Denc 🗡  22:58:55 
It's being pushed in your face......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:18:27 
>> And you ask why I do t watch this shyte
 Denc 🗡  22:54:43 
uncanny, the similarity with Morrises space film...[more]
 Trig 🧊  20:44:40 
>> Yes, coincidence that. I guess they have enough oxygen though.
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:15:34 
Watching the boats in the rain in Paris... Er... WTF thought of that... ?...[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  20:00:29 
>> ... now they're telling us we have to accept the refugees, regardless of the numbers. ...[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:38:09 
>> It's as though they took the very worst parts of French culture and paraded it for ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  21:09:22 
>> .. and now a white man pretending to be a darkie, doing 'rap'... can it possibly ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  20:21:53 
>> (mostly) nothing but darkies n hurmersexual transexuals poncing about all over ... [more]
 LP12  21:53:45 
>> Does the lady who whips horses get a go?
 JonH🍕  20:59:12 
>> Probably can.
 Free Thinking Doggie  20:25:03 
>> Pakistani transexuals next...
 Free Thinking Doggie  20:26:13 
>> the coxless pairs ?
 Trig 🧊  20:03:25 
>> Quite smart for you trig
 Denc 🗡  03:03:22 
I'm guessing there won't be a boat of shouting yellow vests. Nor will there be a ... [more]
 LP12  19:09:10 
>> They did have a boat full of muzzers though. Taking the piss...[more]
 Occhio Pazzo 🇬🇧  19:51:29 
>> haha. J'ai honte (i'm ashamed) and I'm only 1/3rd french (on account of being ... [more]
 LP12  20:15:26 
>> She’s suffering from stiff penis syndrome innit.
 Denc 🗡  19:12:37 
>> Have to say, her ( though that’s debatable) , voice, songs and attitude always ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  19:22:26 
>> I do like her voice in Titanic, she's good, but when she talks she goes ... [more]
 LP12  19:32:12 
>> Yes the accent too
 Denc 🗡  22:59:47 
>> "trust me Celine, you'll look great .. "
 LP12  19:36:01 
Went to an after lunch recitital as you do. Debussy etc. I fell asleep twice. But we ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  19:05:57 
Newly released 911 video …...[more]
 pepi  16:12:58 
>> The reason so many firemen were killed is that they traipsed up the stairs with ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  19:07:18 
>> Columbo solves another case.
 LP12  23:15:01 
>> how long did it take to figure that out ?
 Trig 🧊  20:16:24 
>> Who’s plan?
 Denc 🗡  19:13:42 
>> 'Deep state'... same as JFK murder, etc...
 Free Thinking Doggie  19:16:46 
>> lol, deep fcukwittery more like
 Denc 🗡  19:17:38 
>> Ffs
 Denc 🗡  19:01:07 
>> we've seen it all before
 Trig 🧊  17:49:19 
>> what are we supposed to spot?...[more]
 LP12  17:31:55 
>> An explosion- I am guessing a fuel tank.
 pepi  18:11:50 
>> I'm not logged into twitter so no xtra comment info, just vid
 LP12  19:01:34 
There will never be another Boris......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:33:57 
>> Didn't know primates went grey Denc
 Trig 🧊  15:45:56 
>> Or bald like yourself trig
 Denc 🗡  18:58:51 
>> they don't unless knobbled at the hospital
 Trig 🧊  20:02:25 
>> .....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:58:15 
Onions, supher hydorgen gas >>>...[more]
 LP12  15:12:26 
>> They sold little glass vials of similar stuff at the 'Wizard's Den' when I was a kid....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:22:57 
>> Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6
 LP12  15:22:57 
>> How damaging to the climate is this gas?...[more]
 LP12  15:25:35 
He posts very good data does Tony....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:40:09 
>> bollox
 Trig 🧊  15:02:11 
>> An inconvenient truth.
 Denc 🗡  14:42:49 
2 stabbings, 1 shot, I was on the M1 at the time 3 police cars…...[more]
 pepi  13:40:46 
>> Was on the m1 earlier around 12.10…....[more]
 pepi  13:47:55 
>> was the black pick up a BMW ?...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:01:47 
>> Don’t think so but suspect the motorbike guy…...[more]
 pepi  14:07:02 
>> Nothing is improving
 Denc 🗡  13:46:10 
>> Twice yesterday people were saying the country is finished …...[more]
 pepi  13:53:36 
>> Anyone who can will be going. Few people with money will be comng.
 Denc 🗡  14:09:42 
>> The one buying in France is looking between…...[more]
 pepi  13:58:50 
>> Cheaper down there , but it’s much colder in the winter than the Cote d’Azure
 Denc 🗡  14:10:50 
>> £/euro = gd time 2 buy
 LP12  14:05:24 
>> Think anytime might be a time to get out …...[more]
 pepi  14:11:59 
>> Watford becomes La Scampia? (northern suburb of Naples)...[more]
 LP12  14:50:41 
>> Hopefully not that bad …....[more]
 pepi  15:39:43 
>> Then there was the crossbow killings about 2 weeks back.
 pepi  15:43:49 
>> Montpellier v warm this time of year. One place I stayed years ago was ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:04:44 
>> looks as boring as f...
 Trig 🧊  14:24:36 
>> Where isn’t compared to low life Bolton.
 Denc 🗡  14:25:23 
>> don't have to travel either
 Trig 🧊  15:00:47 
>> spent a few summer holidays there when I was a kid, very nice
 Alfie Noakes  14:24:24 
>> 4C warmer than here today .. Nimes nearby can be even warmer. Maritime ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:16:32 
>> Colder in the winter because of Atlantic weather patterns that reach it ...[more]
 Denc 🗡  14:21:04 
>> Mistral biggerst factor, dominates Marseille & north of.
 LP12  14:56:50 
>> Yep, I've felt it. Trips for Chinese consulate for visas. Marseille ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:07:31 
>> Yes, been in Marseille in Jan, a bit colder than Nice.
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:23:51 
>> Looks very nice - booked a sailing day out …...[more]
 pepi  14:13:23 
>> I wouldn’t have a sailboat in the SOF. Either no wind or too much. Cold ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  14:17:31 
>> He has a Bavarian 40…....[more]
 pepi  14:24:28 
>> Bavaria , yes Germanys answer to Beneteau. Friends in BVI are the ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  14:27:56 
>> What I did was have a Sunsail boat in the Bahamas, then the BVi ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  14:31:53 
>> Just googling and Croatia comes up as fairly cheap to moor…...[more]
 pepi  14:45:31 
>> nm...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:18:59 
The Climate Change God is shatting all over the french for their never-ending ... [more]
 LP12  13:15:37 
>> Hilarious. These morons who believe they can understand and predict the climate.
 Denc 🗡  13:39:15 
>> Simple minded fools who reduce one of the most complex algorithms in existence ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  13:49:35 
>> Well said. I've really had enuf of it. Greenland, more ice! By now according ... [more]
 LP12  13:58:06 
>> Scientists have found evidence that cereal crops were grown on Greenland ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:44:22 
>> Hydrogen Sulphide is the bad eggs smelling gas.
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:24:51 
>> It is amazing to me how deeply stupid these politicians are.
 Denc 🗡  14:12:33 
>> And they call it science.
 Denc 🗡  13:52:42 
>> And the clowns who run the world believe them.
 Denc 🗡  13:54:13 
>> Bit scary how quickly it come around eh ?
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:39:11 
>> Seems like yesterday we were watch the opening in Beijing on TV.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:46:03 
>> Well you might have, I had some paint drying
 Denc 🗡  13:50:35 
>> It was pretty spectacular. Even had Jimi Page.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:55:08 
>> Did they have fat dancing nurses like Landan? Nm...[more]
 Denc 🗡  14:13:35 
>> [Jimmy, surely? ed]
 LP12  14:06:23 
>> They could have held it in the South. Glad they didn't. TDF was more than enough....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:19:00 
>> 28 again here today. I'm having 2help certain plants front & back.
 LP12  13:24:29 
My kinda place. Out for a spin this morning - the terrain is very lumpy. You're ... [more]
 JonH🍕  13:13:07 
>> Hot pasties at 8.00am, nothing finer. We travelled through Nottingham station the ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  13:42:49 
>> hot pasties at 8am, saddoe
 Trig 🧊  13:39:25 
>> It was about midday. She was relaying an incident from earlier in the morning. ...[more]
 JonH🍕  19:25:27 
>> What sad about that ? Just because you crawl from your filthy pit at 11...
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:46:59 
>> the day befores, cruddy and dry
 Trig 🧊  13:57:18 
>> I reckon you are the board's Oblomov.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:57:17 
>> Lol. Or Pavel Smerdyakov.....[more]
 JonH🍕  19:29:58 
>> christ, was it trig country?
 Alfie Noakes  13:32:58 
>> no country for old men like yourself
 Trig 🧊  14:46:31 
>> couldn't give a toss...[more]
 Alfie Noakes  14:56:39 
France’s train network hit by arson attacks hours before Olympic ceremony.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:10:30 
Seminal sci fi film…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  12:03:53 
>> Due a remake.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:21:02 
>> Saw it on a bus travelling across Spain.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:07:01 
>> The Tempest ? (I did not know that)
 LP12  12:28:02 
>> Saw the Tempest with Anthony Quale as Prospero years ago.. very good.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:59:49 
>> GF at the time was studying English.. so saw quite a lot of The Bard's works.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:05:01 
>> Lived a short walk from where he lived in London.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:17:38 
>> I went to the Globe last year. Lear. Total shyte.
 Denc 🗡  14:43:58 
>> Yep
 Denc 🗡  12:29:46 
>> The Tempest is Lear part 2 according to many.
 Denc 🗡  12:32:37 
>> google who told me that.
 LP12  13:07:04 
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:55:32 
>> Reality…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  11:59:15 
>> that reminds me, time to get on the inversion table. She has a lovely radius to ... [more]
 LP12  12:38:47 
>> Don't think I'd want to mess with her.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:40:17 
>> would be better off in a chinky chippy
 Trig 🧊  11:05:06 
The Plan......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:23:30 
>> Ireland (and the UK) is very small relative to Africa. Why encourage migration to ... [more]
 JonH🍕  12:38:42 
>> There is a recognition that aging welfare based economies need immigration to ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  12:44:51 
>> Though I believe that the more Asians that infiltrate the government the more ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  12:49:03 
>> I do not believe for a moment that any govt is motivated by the welfare of a ... [more]
 JonH🍕  12:57:16 
>> They are motivated by votes.
 Denc 🗡  13:01:16 
>> It should be a matter of huge concern that London is run by a foreign ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  12:51:08 
>> Beard, hooda thunk, ps writing shyte down does not make it gold dust
 Denc 🗡  11:56:12 
>> The point he makes: this is a plan, has been a plan for years, what we are ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:11:34 
>> Yes , anyone can make any point, what is his evidence?
 Denc 🗡  12:20:06 
>> They could turn the boats around in 24 hrs, but that does not happen.
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:14:49 
LP12 - watched the Hackman film 'Marooned'... OK apart from V poor special effects ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:04:23 
>> Hackman was poor in it too IMHO.
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:08:34 
>> terrible ending, I was listening and had 2rewind & watch 2check!
 LP12  10:22:40 
>> One 'Space' film I do like......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:31:37 
>> The remake is closer to the original novel than Tarkovsky's film version....[more]
 JonH🍕  13:06:04 
>> I don't like Freddy elm street style hallucination films. pain in the arse ... [more]
 LP12  11:01:01 
>> Talking of the Matrix,, perhaps you already knew, but i only recently ... [more]
 JonH🍕  12:49:21 
>> Walter Carlos.
 Denc 🗡  12:54:03 
>> Early adopter.
 JonH🍕  12:58:25 
>> I did not know that! they had a sex change?
 LP12  13:10:35 
>> Dont know / Dont really want to know 😂
 JonH🍕  13:14:58 
>> They are NOT hallucinations.
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:05:10 
>> I just can't stand G.Clueless anymore major problem to sit thru it ... [more]
 LP12  12:29:32 
>> carp
 Trig 🧊  10:53:28 
>> Yes, your world must be.
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:58:51 
>> it is, but that doesn't mean that that is not carp
 Trig 🧊  11:06:00 
>> Why don't you post a proper critique of the film. A one word reaction says nothing....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:14:31 
>> films of that era are blurred and have to have patience to watch, ... [more]
 Trig 🧊  11:29:11 
>> My Dad used a phrase for endings like that......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  10:25:30 
>> Here is is >>...[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:27:03 
One of the millions.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:45:12 
>> Name 10
 Denc 🗡  11:52:14 
>> The data is all there if one chooses to look. Many don't want to do that. ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:13:54 
>> Name 5
 Denc 🗡  12:35:13 
>> Why does covid itself not increase the possibility of heart attack in your ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  12:39:02 
>> Mornin'FTD , just for info , have decided no longer to open 'X'posts ... Am sick ... [more]
 Bwana  10:01:12 
>> And the shyte in them
 Denc 🗡  11:53:08 
brill, close up...[more]
 Trig 🧊  07:39:10 
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:34:32 
>> New lizard
 Denc 🗡  11:46:47 
>> about what ?
 Trig 🧊  07:38:45 
>> Go back to bed.
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:41:01 
>> just got up
 Trig 🧊  07:57:59 
>> can u see it now ?...[more]
 LP12  09:58:36 
>> who can see all 5 pics?
 LP12  10:15:04 
>> an orange suitcase ? Its like something out of Joe 90...[more]
 Trig 🧊  10:38:58 
>> that guy on the left has got my Music Man amp I sold in 1994!! Bad ... [more]
 LP12  13:21:41 
>> they were indeed, glam rock then punk rock then just rock, Ossa 250 ... [more]
 Trig 🧊  13:38:00 
>> lovely bike, but the pixs!? u see em all?/how many?
 LP12  14:02:16 
>> all your pics shown at 2nd attempt, jeesh
 Trig 🧊  14:20:58 
Bitcoin hitting resistance again......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:28:26 
Hooda thunk.....[more]
 Denc 🗡  20:36:31 
>> Un related - who gives a shi7 about that …...[more]
 pepi  21:04:24 
newer labour to team up with King Sausage Fingers to make Great British Energy use ... [more]
 LP12  20:02:16 

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