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 Messages  Author  Time 
My heart bleeds ( takes out onion ) for Slain Malik the Jihadi member of Shyte ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  03:07:22 
Seen this LP12..? Cassette players in demand.....[more]
 JonH🍕  22:18:17 
Arrest warrants issued this evening for: Tony Blair, Peter Mandleson, Gordon Browne, ... [more]
 LP12  20:33:27 
>> Rumours of Greg Wallyis freezing his pineapple cock into a lolly.
 pepi  21:16:58 
>> That's just hawaii rolls
 JonH🍕  21:38:27 
>> Greg’s suckable sausage rolls half price tomorrow.
 pepi  21:41:34 
>> always lukewarm tho'
 Trig 🧊  22:51:58 
same sort of thing as covid in some ways....[more]
 LP12  19:38:02 
 LP12  19:38:39 
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:08:27 
>> they should invade the North and depose the Sun God
 Trig 🧊  14:24:33 
FTSE close to the mid Oct high.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:21:53 
Goodnight, Vienna.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:04:56 
Art Cashin......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:00:51 
>> 23 yrs older than me. Quite rightly much loved.
 LP12  13:07:50 
>> By his mum
 Denc 🗡  03:08:52 
>> What became of Bill Hubard ?...[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:48:53 
>> those braces are trendy, its a shame about the fisogue tho'
 Trig 🧊  13:56:48 
>> Cashed in then
 Denc 🗡  12:36:57 
>> I won’t sleep
 Denc 🗡  03:09:53 
>> Cashed in.
 JonH🍕  12:31:34 
>> sour face
 Trig 🧊  12:23:05 
Blackrock added $ 337 m worth of Bitcoin to its ETF yesterday.
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:50:14 
Something I never buy... milk.
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:30:39 
>> remember when I were a lad, milk vending machines with pint waxed paper ... [more]
 Trig 🧊  12:47:18 
>> like these...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:03:11 
>> I remember my sister getting hers from one of those machines.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:11:54 
>> .....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:29:23 
>> is that your sister ?
 Trig 🧊  13:52:14 
>> My sister was about 6 at the time. The machine was on the high street, ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:00:38 
>> beautiful vending machines...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:04:33 
>> 'Half pint carton'..
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:28:27 
>> what's this then ?...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:30:11 
>> It's written on the machine, you dolt.
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:48:46 
>> I know it is, but it is not the same machine that I went to, dolt
 Trig 🧊  17:23:33 
>> 6 d, although I remember the cartons were either a 1/3 or a 1/2 pint.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:47:35 
>> the triangular ones like a jubilly
 Trig 🧊  13:58:15 
>> deffo one pint I used to go with my Uncle Henry...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:22:18 
>> Now it is just no 3 in the house we go through 4 pints every day or so. Double ... [more]
 JonH🍕  12:31:05 
>> Real pints, as opposed to the 500 cl pints we get here.
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:43:11 
>> plastic container
 Trig 🧊  12:36:52 
>> Nothing better than a cappuccino
 Denc 🗡  12:35:25 
>> I sip one as I write
 Denc 🗡  12:37:35 
>> Even the frogs and dagos have big milky coffees in the morning
 Denc 🗡  12:38:22 
>> Cafe, Olé.!
 JonH🍕  12:42:10 
>> Spanish often have chocolate.
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:45:16 
>> Cortado is good. Like a macchiato maybe with a tad more milk. A decent ... [more]
 JonH🍕  12:51:34 
>> When we first came to France, Mrs FTD didn't drink coffee, so I'd ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:10:19 
>> Also, my first visit to China, coffee wasn't that easy to find. ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:20:38 
>> Was £8 a cup in Guangzhou airport first time I went there
 Denc 🗡  03:12:00 
>> Yuk. Never could drink it. I drink coffee black, tea green.
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:34:57 
>> what do you put in your coffee ?
 Trig 🧊  11:53:40 
>> Nothing.
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:56:35 
>> Adding milk to good coffee should a flogging offence.
 Free Thinking Doggie  12:00:18 
>> Never without it
 Denc 🗡  11:46:37 
Situations that you really don't expect to have to deal with.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  11:07:00 
>> it might be hiding something you don't want to see
 Trig 🧊  11:13:15 
It's not really that labour are bad, it's more that the UK political system's just a ... [more]
 LP12  09:35:55 
Hope they go bust......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  09:16:22 
jeeze the bin men just bin
 Trig 🧊  07:41:53 
SPX, NDX new ATHs, Dax too.
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:26:35 
how to win a million...[more]
 Trig 🧊  23:30:04 
The wife is getting on my nerves …....[more]
 pepi  23:21:22 
>> That’s what they are for.
 Denc 🗡  23:30:03 
>> Tell her you bought a yacht and named it after her…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  23:33:45 
>> That is literally The Life …...[more]
 pepi  23:37:46 
>> Adman Khasoggi had that. All the blokes on the big yacht and all the women ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:42:30 
>> Adnam
 Denc 🗡  23:42:50 
>> sounds a rum business [gun surely? ed]
 LP12  23:47:22 
>> Went to St Trop on my little 40 foot sailboat. Usually when you get to ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:50:45 
>> Sailboat... an ugly Americanism.
 Free Thinking Doggie  08:59:01 
>> First known written use 1752
 Denc 🗡  11:44:02 
>> My ol man had a small motor boat in Mallorca. Used to see ... [more]
 Occhio Pazzo 🇬🇧  00:29:46 
>> Hello OP. I went to Jimmy’z in Monaco one night in the late 70s ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  00:54:31 
>> If a woman doesn’t understand you - it’s one thing…....[more]
 pepi  23:55:39 
>> Odd I thought Den wrote this. Still v.true but ... [more]
 LP12  08:53:27 
>> Best of luck employing logic with a menopausal woman.
 JonH🍕  07:51:40 
>> v.true. I didn't offer any advice as I was there, in the ... [more]
 LP12  00:08:30 
>> you cooked the burgers ? Do you work for Mc Donalds ?
 Trig 🧊  23:29:35 
>> No but I have a few rubber Tyres I need to shift if you know one.
 pepi  23:33:34 
>> if I know one what ?
 Trig 🧊  23:49:03 
 Free Thinking Doggie  22:18:43 
>> that's kind of annoying,.. against my better judgement I click on it, and it ... [more]
 LP12  22:35:03 
>> it is literal, 'child abuse'.
 LP12  22:38:40 
Form an orderly queue …...[more]
 Denc 🗡  22:13:54 
>> Good ending story!
 LP12  22:25:33 
>> Part 2. My mate Mick Wallis, Jack the lad, car dealer, Del-Boy, Arthur Daly type ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:24:36 
>> To be fair I had just started writing the Vector program that was the basis of ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:28:02 
>> ffsake, we missed out there, u could have been like Phones4U, or Vodaphone, ... [more]
 LP12  23:43:25 
>> Yep, not everything I did was wise. Car phone Warehouse started just afterwards.
 Denc 🗡  23:45:40 
>> They were so dumb they didn’t get mobiles, only phones in cars. Then ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  23:47:38 
>> I did 6 monkths at Makro in early 92 ish (in the Business 2 Businees ... [more]
 LP12  23:57:44 
>> I was actually the IBM account manager for Makro for a while. Even ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  00:59:01 
>> I did not know either of those facts.
 LP12  08:46:22 
La Grange.....[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  22:08:34 
>> Don't tell me it's that zztop again!?
 LP12  22:26:02 
>> They only play 6 numbers.
 Denc 🗡  23:04:35 
>> I do like what they do but it isn’t a huge body of work....[more]
 Denc 🗡  23:10:37 
>> eh> ? that's RObert Palmer, but I tell u what, fantastic catlogue. and ... [more]
 LP12  23:17:36 
>> Yes I know.
 Denc 🗡  23:25:09 
>> allowed one song, this is* mine. ...[more]
 LP12  23:36:35 
>> carp
 Trig 🧊  00:08:08 
>> as Hampster would say, too good for thee, &4 once he'd be right
 LP12  00:10:24 
>> its an LP don't have the patience
 Trig 🧊  00:36:20 
>> It's one track/song, called "Dazed & Confused"
 LP12  09:39:13 
>> that's how it left me
 Trig 🧊  10:22:44 
>> Jimmy Pages's magnus opus, my desert island disc...[more]
 LP12  10:47:17 
>> yep.
 LP12  00:02:28 
>> pretty unique tune this, less zztop sounding more er.. .. shutup Beavis! ... [more]
 LP12  23:21:51 
>> the main problem as far as I can tell, is, that song's one of the world's most ... [more]
 LP12  23:09:04 
Int net zero great…....[more]
 Denc 🗡  21:02:33 
>> Hilarious.
 LP12  21:18:27 
>> Meanwhile King Lozenge Head the 1st [Prince, surely? ed] is swanning around ... [more]
 LP12  21:27:13 
My heart bleeds ( takes out onion ) for poor Jonafon Woss , the annoying, ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  20:48:09 
Superb film......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  20:18:21 
>> doesn't work
 Trig 🧊  20:52:00 
The Biden pardon......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  18:56:04 
>> The corruption is on a truly epic scale.
 Free Thinking Doggie  19:05:15 
From de Comments .....[more]
 LP12  18:32:48 
>> More celeb bad news I am afraid …....[more]
 pepi  19:50:46 
>> its all those fancy spectacles
 Trig 🧊  21:13:40 
>> saw that. [no pun intended]. Devil Wears Prada musical at same time as Jag ... [more]
 LP12  20:17:38 
>> He will die but thankfully his music won't. It's not like losing someone young ... [more]
 LP12  21:12:52 
>> Jeff Beck going when he did WAS a tragedy. He had a lot more to give and was ... [more]
 LP12  22:57:02 
>> he should shut up, brush his teeth then get his adams apple punched in
 Trig 🧊  19:07:51 
>> Moron.
 Free Thinking Doggie  19:13:47 
>> don't b so hard on yourzzzzz
 Trig 🧊  20:48:02 
Form an orderly queue….....[more]
 Denc 🗡  16:42:59 
>> Had FAB1 and Elvis …...[more]
 pepi  18:16:05 
>> The panel, which features the new IBM-inspired Jaguar leaper logo, appears to ... [more]
 LP12  17:43:00 
>> Copy nothing?
 Denc 🗡  23:40:22 
>> the battery would go flat just parked up at Sainsburys
 Trig 🧊  17:59:54 
>> ... [more]
 LP12  17:38:57 
>> Hard to get a blow job in the front seat.
 Denc 🗡  16:49:41 
>> it is in any seat
 Trig 🧊  17:04:35 
 Free Thinking Doggie  16:15:40 
>> Ford Tri Motor pigpen...[more]
 Trig 🧊  17:01:47 
From heXidecimal (tell us something we don't know,.. ie divoc, war, all a load of ... [more]
 LP12  14:47:09 
>> pardon ?
 Trig 🧊  16:15:09 
>> '... or may have committed..'
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:39:42 
>> Literally a Get-out-of-Jail-Free-card.
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:56:14 
>> Scumbag family.
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:54:32 
>> Dim crook will be his legacy.
 Denc 🗡  16:44:54 
SPX new ATH again.
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:34:42 
You are supposed to point it in the air…....[more]
 pepi  14:24:11 
>> Come on. We've all done it
 JonH🍕  14:49:29 
Do people actually buy 2nd hand electric cars ?
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:34:32 
>> Very cheap
 Denc 🗡  20:38:06 
>> 4sure, but maybe only once! All very early in the cycle, but 2nd hand Teslas, have ... [more]
 LP12  14:29:05 
re: grimsby re: near enough/ ...[more]
 LP12  12:59:01 
>> fish 'n' chips 75p and that's in the cod war !
 Trig 🧊  15:59:58 
>> I saw that! I was checkin' prices earlier, but later get clear view
 LP12  16:46:43 
>> only a few Mods and no rockers, a poor mans Brighton
 Trig 🧊  17:18:19 
>> Had a sixth form summer job at Easington, stayed in Withernsea.
 Free Thinking Doggie  13:16:21 
>> and ?
 Trig 🧊  16:13:21 
 JonH🍕  08:35:48 
New study......[more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  08:33:01 
>> Tosh
 Denc 🗡  12:06:04 
 Free Thinking Doggie  08:16:30 
>> no means no, errrr nm...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:41:29 
>> Crazy world.
 pepi  13:50:04 
>> both duplicitous bastärds !
 Bwana  10:49:31 
Mental move on XRP.
 Free Thinking Doggie  08:12:11 
>> Wife tells me this morning - even she knew to buy XRP…...[more]
 pepi  13:49:28 
>> AVAX strong too.
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:28:13 
>> Weird as it's done nothing for ages.
 Free Thinking Doggie  14:27:23 
How long will Sunderland survive?….....[more]
 Denc 🗡  01:02:12 
Biden pardons Hunter.....[more]
 Denc 🗡  00:54:17 
>> From the comments of daily shyte,...[more]
 LP12  09:18:29 
>> ✔️✔️✔️✔️
 Bwana  10:51:09 
>> A poor man's Marc Rich.
 JonH🍕  08:36:49 
>> Talking of which - bought some GLEN this morning. Been a while.
 JonH🍕  10:25:19 
>> I have a few, disastrous so far
 Denc 🗡  12:04:40 
>> 'Joe Biden’s pardon of Hunter is “Full and Unconditional” and covers offenses ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:52:15 
>> he nearly forgot
 Trig 🧊  10:03:03 
Never knew Bill Gates was raised in Spenny...[more]
 Denc 🗡  23:42:13 
>> A legend on Teeside. I remember his eponymous shops. Have a vague memory of my Dad ... [more]
 JonH🍕  08:12:05 
Seen this Optithingy…...[more]
 Denc 🗡  20:29:36 

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