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From: Denc 🗡
Hello OP. I went to Jimmy’z in Monaco one night in the late 70s and at the door the staff told me that

there was a private party and the club was closed. They all knew me there and the head lad says, never mind come in , there are so many people they won’t know if you are invited or not. So in I went. Tables stacked with bottles of booze , champagne etc. anyway it fills up, hundreds of people. I am sitting at my table drinking the free booze when the host comes round greeting his guests. Of course it is Khashoggi. He comes up to the table. Adnam I say how the hell are you ( same as Bruce years later ) he gives me a big handshake , semi hug, great to see you etc and moves on. Missus gives me a bit of a look which could have meant lots. Happy days.

Edited on 03/12/2024 at 00:56:53.

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