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From: Denc 🗡 |
Why I no longer live in the UK number 46885578….
What about horses and carts?
Traffic lights that prioritise cyclists over cars tested in UK Crossing in Solihull, West Midlands will trial the technology aims to give those on bikes ‘uninterrupted journeys’
Traffic lights that prioritise cyclists over cars are being tested in the UK.
The technology has been installed at a toucan crossing in Solihull, West Midlands, which is used by both pedestrians and cyclists.
The AI-controlled traffic management system aims to give cyclists “uninterrupted journeys”.
Its sensors are designed to detect riders up to 30 metres away and trigger the lights to turn red for motorists.
By the time the cyclist arrives, the lights for bikes and pedestrians are green, “giving [them] a smoother, uninterrupted journey on their bikes”, according to Solihull Council.
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