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From: LP12
Ironic they want to just stop oil (stop cars and co2) the leaders of these woke idiots, before most of

them were born went to war and gave us this predictable legacy.
But hey, religion is sacred and great and wonderful, and you can't touch it. For every muslim that wants to nail bomb a crowd there are 98 [88 surely ed] who just want to have two homes in london and paris and marry his cousin in islamabad and claim benefits.
There are another 10 who actually want to intergrate work and say, fukc religion. Course they can't leave the death conquering cult, as you know, that's illegal.
But you won't hear anyone in establishment pointing this out as at the very least incompatible with Sweden london paris munich of er rome. No, it's all fine and to be encourage, sped up indeed. We need more of these climate crisis refugees, George Soros said so, .. so... and Tony Blair agrees with him, as do all the rest of these fukcing assoles.
That airport incident where a kick in the head was administered on a tazered man's just become a massive us and them. 2030 lol,. by 2050 UK/west europe could become caliphates. Be good to see an islamic olympics then the possibilities are endless. Stoning, hand chopping, fastest beheading with sword, bomb making speed test, fastert meeter of 40 virgins, marrying most cousins, etc.

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