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From: Alfie Noakes
Wife has a regular ultrasound scan as had previous simple cysts on overies and is on HRT for pre menopause

This time they have found a complex cyst 98 x 104 x 84mm on her right ovary

Having googled the results from the ultrasound (it states "demonstrates appears to be increasd vascularity" and "appears "heterogenous") this doesn't appear good and points to malignancy.

She saw a consultant yesterday who said the ovary & cyst will have to come out , had a blood test and has an MRI next week. Further consultant appointment week after.

She's 47 has no real symptoms, keeps herself fit & healthy non smoker etc

I am in bits having read up on it, haven't told her but suspect she has already read up on it and doesn't want to tell me.

trying to be strong for her but finding it difficult to hold it together, kids have no clue either.

wasn't sure whether to post this here but reluctant to confide in anyone else as don't want them to be worried sick like I am

Edited on 16/03/2023 at 09:08:06.

Edited on 16/03/2023 at 09:09:07.

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