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From: LP12 |
that barn roof fix in full. ALso, got the inversion table out yesterday, back cracked this afternoon and
considering the amount of stuff I've been doing - moving lifeboat weight washing machines, up and down ladders, carrying buckets of water, it's feeling a lot better since the crack. Prior to getting inversion table out (free from speakers) I lay on a floor mat on stomach. First time down was SAturday. VEry very stiff to lie down flat on stomach. BUt how satisfying to hear that lower back pop earlier, and now when I get up from doing this I won't be bent over double looking like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins working at the bank.
ANyway., that roof. Had some rain in last 3 hours, no leaks, just been having a look. I'm actually feeling more optimistic about the roof, but the horizontal beam that's sagging will need a pier support from ground floot. and also raising .. i've got a pair of 20 tonne jacks ... needs to go up by maybe 4 inches. It's this sag that lead to top spar bending up at the joint, breaking the top tiles and leading to the problem. Leak above the A frame where scaffold tower is, caused by sag in other a frame.
I'm going to sell it all and buy a zero carbon jag. COst zero emissions to produce this 3 ton behoumouth they tell me. zero emmisions. Incredible, they just found it, like that, ready to roll in an enclosed area a few hundred miles off the coast of Hawaii, in about 17,000 feet of water, a whole fleet of ready made electric cars, just sitting there waiting to be driven to Lidls and charged. WOrk from home too if you choose to live in it. THEy say there are many thousands of other electric cars in the pacific deep (as been named, after son of Jaques Cousteau, Pierre Potatoe COusteau, who found the stockpile of finished EVs. WHo made them, when, and why reamains a mystery, but for now at least the theft and usage of them has been authourised by the EU who say stealing is not a crime as long as it's them who do it.
(that sagging beam)
it's a (word) wrap that barn roof fix in full. ALso, got the inversion table out yesterday, back cracked this afternoon and considering the amount of stuff I've been doing - moving lifeboat weight washing machines, up and down ladders, carrying buckets of water, it's feeling a lot better since the crack. Prior to getting inversion table out (free from speakers) I lay on a floor mat on stomach. First time down was SAturday. VEry very stiff to lie down flat on stomach.
ANyway., that roof. Had some rain in last 3 hours, no leaks, just been having a look. I'm actually feeling more optimistic about the roof, but the horizontal beam that's sagging will need a pier support from ground floot. and also raising .. i've got a pair of 20 tonne jacks ... needs to go up by maybe 4 inches. It's this sag that lead to top spar bending up at the joint, breaking the top tiles and leading to the problem. Leak above the A frame where scaffold tower is, caused by sag in other a frame. ..
is it fukc
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