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From: LP12 |
talking of hampster and being stupid, heat pumps ....
Ann Sullivan @AnnSull91955949 · 4h Last winter I stayed in a National Trust cottage which had one. You couldn’t control the heating and the radiators were barely warm so it was extremely cold. If they hadn’t also supplied an electric fan heater we would have left. As well as noisy they don’t work.
Remember this man's father was repsonsible for the 1931-34 famine in Ukraine as a committed Marxist and party member. OK I made that up, but if he'd been born a bit earlier he would have, and it would have been, 'for all the right reasons, and 'very necessary'. 'After all, no one likes change, it's difficult, alien, hard, painful and very expensive and ruinous, but we're here to make sure others suffer so it can happen so lessons can be learnt'. Stay home, knit jumpers, knit bobble hats, save lives, protect the NHS, get Fucked.
Edited on 11/11/2024 at 20:31:29.
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