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From: Denc 🗡 |
Design stupidities , an occasional TMC series , number321…..
I have a hired BMW 3 suv. A mish mash of dreadful design both inside and outside. It has in the ways of modern cars a stubby little lever between the seats to operate the drive. On the back is a button you press to put it in park ( you find this eventually because the P , that you cant see from the drivers seat, is black on black ) .On the side of this silly little thing is a button you must press before putting it into gear ( why not toggle the park button you may ask ) and now the full genius of Hans and co of Munich is revealed. . In order to reverse you push the lever forward and to go forward you pull the lever back.
Of course you do.
And btw , the only indicator of which gear you are in is on the driver display and can’t be seen for the steering wheel unless you peer round it.
I imagine the number of fron t and rear dents in this pos is considerable.
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