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From: 🌞🤢
if you fancy a love story for a change

try 'so long marianne'

even if your're not a fan of his music (that's all of you i think) don't let that put you off...his songs are just his wonderful poetry accompanied with some easy on the ear guitar to enhance/set the mood and i wish there had been more of them in the series

it's very watchable (and bingeable) with some great acting all round and if you've ever seen clips of cohen on youtube being interviewed or just caught on camera in his younger days you'll realise how good the actor who plays him is (take my word for it)

and the girl who plays marianne is just lovely too (you would)

much of it is set on the greek island of hydra

it's on vidbinge and also itvx

 Current Thread  Author  Time 
if you fancy a love story for a change...[more]
 🌞🤢  01:26:30 
>> Words of love, highly recommended...[more]
 Mike Mike  15:41:50 
>> I think he is a talent free hypocrite , can’t stand the mother. I’ll play you my ... [more]
 Denc 🗡  12:38:43 
>> I’m playing batter the fat twat c@@t nonce …....[more]
 pepi  01:49:27 
>> great beat though ('/~) ! ...[more]
 Bwana  11:30:45 
>> NM ...[more]
 Bwana  11:24:22 

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