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From: LP12
"The first £325,000 of inheritances are tax free, but above this they are taxed at 40 per cent. This threshold

has not increased since 2009 and is frozen until 2030.

There is an additional allowance of £175,000 when the family home is left to direct descendants such as children or grandchildren, and this has also been pegged for five more years."

Sure, a 21 yr freeze, what's not to like/

Now Rachel u've been naughty again, come here, and lower your knickers ...

 Current Thread  Author  Time 
"The first £325,000 of inheritances are tax free, but above this they are taxed at ... [more]
 LP12  12:10:52 
>> she looks older since the election
 Trig 🧊  13:58:36 
>> so does Kamala, yuk...[more]
 Trig 🧊  14:11:11 
>> Ironically there is no inheritance tax in BVI, nor Monaco. But I have no inheritors.
 Denc 🗡  12:48:44 
>> Daughter no ?
 Free Thinking Doggie  15:49:07 
>> will your dosh go to your missus ?
 Trig 🧊  13:59:29 

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