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From: Opisthocomus
Fahrenheit: asking humans how hot it feels.
Celsius: asking water how hot it feels.
Kelvin: asking atoms how hot it feels.

 Current Thread  Author  Time 
if 50 is 10 how come 100 isn't 20? Answer, Farenheit that's why....[more]
 LP12  22:06:37 
>> i tend to think of celsius below 20c and fahrenheit above...until 100c
 🌞🤢  13:26:12 
>> Given that we live on a planet whose surface is mainly water, setting the freezing ... [more]
 Free Thinking Doggie  07:45:30 
>> Fahrenheit: asking humans how hot it feels....[more]
 Opisthocomus  23:43:38 
>> 28 c is 82 F, 61 F is 16C, all you need to know as anything below 16/61 is disgusting
 Denc 🗡  22:13:48 
>> as is anything above 28/82!
 🌞🤢  13:26:54 
>> that's a good nmomic? (type of). I'v made a note. 50 here @the mo... which is 10...[more]
 LP12  22:25:19 
>> Buit tomorrow i'm lighting the Jotul. And I have been doing some insulatiing. ... [more]
 LP12  22:28:36 
>> farenheit sang about keeping the dream alive but to date it shows no sign of being ... [more]
 LP12  22:09:35 

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