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From: LP12 |
'slash carbon emissions' .. families allowed 3kids max, if they were serious. Fundamental religious groups included. 3fking sprogs, you're done. Also, rubber johnnies handed out in 3rd world, also, arrest all illegal arrivals upon arrival and ship to slopes of Mount Etna.
But maybe they are going to use bore hole tech .... I mean a new estate, typically 1200 houses, surely a 200 meter deep bore hole with a continuuous flow and return pipe going down to bottom and back to then transfer all those captured calories via a heat exchanger at the new housing developemnet central heat capture station then distributed via the builtfrom-new-from-ground-upintegrated-heating system, with water temps up to 55 degrees to heat all ground floors of 1st floor rads of 1,200 houses .. i mean surely this is what they mean?,. they can't be talking about individual air to air heat pumps, can they?? I mean can they ?? [yes, yes they can, ed]
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