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From: LP12
"An official website of the United States government" banner at the top. They didn't really push the boat

out or anything did they. Didn't exactly bust a gut to get to the bottom of anything. Took mild to moderate cases, and found a tiny bit of difference between those who got jack Shit and those who were given Ivermectin.
Not really research is it! What about patients who were old and boloxed and struggling with pneumonia-like fluid on lungs symptoms. How about giving half of them water and the other half Ivermectin.
Highly unethical for sure. Deny somone treatment to prove a point, even tho' they're only wogs it still wouldn't look good. And besides we don't actually want to do that as we don't want any results that show that Ivermectin was better than salt water!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!
We want a vaccine! we want a vaccine! when do we want? As soon as possible!

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