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From: LP12
we have had covid, now we have war, and inflation, and banks being bailed out after the last time when

we were told it would never happen again. Why do we pay tax?
Answer, because if we don't we will be put in prison and have all our possessions confiscated and then sold at auction for pennies on the pound.

By hey, children in need, red nose day, give to charity oxfam, donate a kidney, take in a refugee.
It's not all* bad news though, the planet is going to be hit by a pretty big asteroid on the 14th of feb 2046.

*there's bad, and there's really bad. It's true that in life people are never happy. We are never happy. You can be fine, no illness, no money worries, everything's good, and you're not happy. Asteroid may miss but the date is very significant to me so naturally I'm expecting the worst. I'll be 82. Average age of death from divocitus. It's my sister's birthday. It's my year of birth reversed, it's the number of the house I was born in. Free live saving cancer drugs!? no, you gotta pay!

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