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From: LP12 |
what a surprise (seeing as I wrote this would happen). Let's see now, 2 million arabs, having 19.8 babies
a month, with a beef against the country that supplied arms to bomb their homes and airbases to fly from, and set up the Balfour Declaration, and ruled the area with a mandate from 1918, and was bombed out with their tail between their legs after the Jewish bombings of the St David hotel (something like that) where a couple of British diplomates were killed in the explosison, something like that .. It's a crazy world and I'm tired of it, especially after dealing with it today. Demands via letter to install a smart meter, outrageous charges from notaires, sit in a bank and read a leaflet on how EVERYTHING IS GOING UP and they have a new type of inflation not called shrikflation, it's called ... minceflation (made that up) but involves using lower quality mateiral in whatever you're payng for. I told the notaire they were nothing more than scammers and was told 'I didn't have to buy a property in france.' That's the thing about being a foreigner outside the UK, you always know you are one, and as such 'you have no right to complain'. Back and knee ache, and it could be worse I could be dead in a collapesed building in Gaza calling out for my mother who was presumably already dead, but fook me, listening to Ed Milliband's assistant batting aside lee Anderson's question about how drax power station that used coal 20 miles away could be clean energy when it burns thousands of trees chopped down in Canada a day .. and don't even get me started on Macron and his husband with a cock.
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