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From: LP12
It's often said, Bankers are running things, but yet when this evidence is presented no one seems to pick

up on the fact - no one in media with a platform, and cert not the general public who are mainly concerned about things like: cheating on the wife, getting better sex toys off Amazon, getting paid, avoiding not getting kicked out, paying the gas bill, divorce proceddings, convincing the doctor they've 'burnout and should retire immediately', etc.

The latest 'wheeze' that proves that we are in fact 100% run buy [bye, surely? ed] bankers and eveything else is just fking lip service: - Wednesday, I'm hearing on radio how 'france has got no money, how Bruno le Maire (an absolute tool who stood as a right of centre leadership candidate in the 2016 election that Macron came into from out of nowhere to win!! ... he didn't even appear in the TV debate! (I filmed it, and not long after Francois Fillon was ousted for paying his wife a fortune to be his PA ... talk of a lot of fraud at the time, thousands and thousands, so bien sur nothing heard about any of it since) ... anyway, wathcing this leadership contest/debate I rapidly came to the conclusion that Bruno le Maire was a complete tool and gibbering idiot ... and thus when Macron went on to win the leadership contest and subsequent election it came as something of a dissapointment to hear the ex-Rotheschilds apprentice had chose Maire to be his 'chancellor'. I thought, well, that figures, Macron's an assole, so of course he's going to hire that useless fukc to keep the books.

Anyway, fast forward thru divoc spending etc. and failed Macron reforms to state sector pensions and now 'there's no money left' and. ... "france risks having its credit rating reduced."

Yes, there you go. This is how bankers rule the world and is a clear example of it. They 'downgrade' france, france, 'raises taxes' as debt becomes more expensive as ... france is now a worse risk, and so it goes. Bankers get politicians to squeeze the electorate., and the politicians fall over themselves to comply while at the same time doing their utmost to disguise the fact that bankers actually are running everything!

just one more assole (to add to the very long list) Bruno le Maire

that leadership election contest in semi-full
(no I don't know why I bother either)

Edited on 29/11/2024 at 15:33:41.

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