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From: LP12 |
and this is the man who sold bitcoin as it made a new all-time high despite reading 87,000 books on how
to do trading an stuff. I've never smoked either, I'd struggle I've got no arms! THis is being dictated by me and typed out by an AI robot on the NHS!!
Starmer to: Create 1 million high quality jobs in er ,,,,, not sure. Lower price of electric! Lead the world in er flogging electricity No longer rely on tyrants to power Britun.
AS he outlined his 4 point plan to send the UK back into a sort of third world Shit pit at a near empty camal shagging oil expo event in the notheren middle east many people laughed and shook their heads. HOw had Britun got so fukced up. THEn they realised, Storm shadow, WEssex, BAE systems ... it was all just a front for being useless. While it was true the great unwashed were to be milked and abused the well oiled government machine with a fine line between private and public would be he
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