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From: LP12
I did 6 monkths at Makro in early 92 ish (in the Business 2 Businees dept) before getting fired.
we were selling Sony 'Mars Bars,' Errikson 'Hotlines', like hotcakes. doing hall de contracts han dat hwiv de customers hinnit.

i can honestly say I'm not sure why I was fired, excpet the manager was a total Asshole. He made me sit though an am team meeting, then said at the end, can I have a word, and then said, you're fired. I really have no idea why. He was a Cunt though. Sort of like David Brent but with a moustache, and fatter, and a bit older. he probably said i"m firing you because you're insolent, and you were late last month, and your sales figures aren't good enough and he was hiring a slapper from Halesowen and needed the space.
i do remember at other times being fired for insolence, probably at least a dozen times....but I don't remember him explicitly saying that.
i'm not insolent, just enthusistic and 'with ideas above my station due to birth defects of believing I could change the world, like Eric Clapton.

You were creating a mini apple/microsoft, I was going thru approx 92 employers.

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