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From: LP12 |
re remasters, i often find mixes on original cassttee better than vinyl eqivilents. delecate sound of thunder,
double cassette, sounds great. unlike my vhs recording (might have been diff concert), back to the egg, wings, got an extra track vs album, sounds ace. cds can sounds harsh in comparison to tape. Remastered .. yes not generally a fan. that Tommy album i posted last night, remastered .......'original' cd sounds pretty good to me, the tape ...I've just put it on and not listened to all of it to give a view on the mix. Sounds pretty faithful to the CD... which is just as well as double tape, and 'Volume 1 so album end with "Undertune', song directly after Acid Queen. Biggest example for me of how tape can sometimes be better than vinyl, Tubular Bells. tape defo better than the vinyl, with some subtle additions adn differences that I couldn't tell you what as not listened to it for 2years and forget.
re delectate sound of thunder, luckily I made a movie .. I was listening to tape one (shine on u crazy bastard, on the tunring away etc) for last 2+ hours, on loop on this machine .. before I put tommy in it.
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