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From: Denc 🗡 |
The pigs will walk on their hind legs…
Starmer ‘exempt’ from paying £48k tax on freebies Prime Minister under fire for accepting £107k of gifts – more than any other MP since 2019
Sir Keir Starmer should pay tax on the £107,000 of freebies he received as Labour leader, accountants have said.
The Prime Minister is under fire for accepting more gifts than any other MP since 2019 – including football tickets, clothes and accommodation.
However, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) “appears to exempt” politicians from paying tax on gifts from donors and political allies despite requiring taxpayers in other sectors to do so, according to accountancy firm Blick Rothenberg.
Robert Salter, a director at the company, called for all MPs to be taxed on gifts in the same way as thousands of other workers – meaning Sir Keir would face a tax bill of close to £50,000.
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