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From: LP12
same sort of thing as covid in some ways.

In their "Misinformation" guide, they currently list 13 points.

In those 13 points, they repeat over and over again how Bovaer reduces methane.

No one is disputing that!
No one cares because it's a non-issue!

Yet, they only mention safety to HUMANS once.

See for yourself:

Agreed at glasgow's COP 26 for Climate Fukcwits, cuting of cow fart methane emmisions by 2030, and le voila, here's the product now being dished out like halal meat (just consume it don't ask questions). Have a quick scroll down this thread. It makes ur cock drop off so needs to be handled with care by the people feeding it to cows but don't worry it's perfectly safe and nothing will go wrong, despite not even needing to be used in the first place as animal fart data this all based on, claiming farts heat earth by 28% (or whatever) all been proved to be total bolox, ... that's not relevent. Just drink your milk.

Stay home, drink milk, put ur sperm in a sperm museum, then kill gran, before getting on your knees and praying to Ali Baba.

Covid, cow milk ... quick let''s have a war with BRICS, that'll do because we will do absolutely anything to fukc you over, you %&!*@s.

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