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From: Denc 🗡 |
A book the MD frequently reads to her school kids….
JK Rowling knocked off top of British best-sellers list The Harry Potter author has been outsold at last – by another writer of children’s books
JK Rowling has been toppled as the UK’s bestselling author by Julia Donaldson.
Donaldson, who wrote the children’s picture book The Gruffalo, overtook the Harry Potter writer to become Britain’s bestselling author since accurate records began.
Donaldson’s lifetime book sales exceed Rowling’s by 600,000, according to Nielsen BookData.
While Rowling remained the bestselling author in terms of monetary value, her sales to the consumer market of 48 million books were surpassed by Donaldson’s 48.6 million, Nielsen BookData said.
Last year, Donaldson, a former children’s laureate, sold more than 3.1 million copies – two million more than Rowling, who has become a leading and outspoken transgender policy critic in recent years.
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