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From: LP12
I'm guessing there won't be a boat of shouting yellow vests. Nor will there be a load of linky (smart)

meter salesmen. Nor will there be a representative from rumble, nor C8, which lost it's TV licence yestereday due to saying things the state didn't like much .. despite being one of the most popular channels and set to be replaced by some supine shyte. Nor will the 65%+ of the population who voted n the 1er tour (vote) 'for an end to wokism' be represented.
I doubt there will be much in the parade about lockdowns and people falling over thru being divoced to death in and out of care homes., or a shell shocked shadow of his former self poor cutn who spent 18months locked in his flat banned from public transport and bars etc. Doubt there'll be a big puppet in a divoc mask either., showing his pass sanitaire given to him by teams of bought and paid for lobbied 'scientifics', the scientists who know the thick end of fukc all unless motivated by cash.
Still we might get Celine Dion, from (or near) her death bed, so there is that.

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