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From: LP12 |
i know 1st hand what it feels like .. that's why we'll freeze ur bills and we won't allow (price rises)
to happen ...
.... phone rings ...
Kier, it's Klaus, how unt yu? Hello master, yes I'm fine. We wun the helection! Kier, u must forget everyzink u said pre-election unt ze pledges an dat. Ve hav ze Stakeholder Capitalism unt so de fukcwits in Hingland, your 'country', must plant ze trees unt comme ca offset their private jet emmisiions, unless they dowt hav ze jets, ya.., ya .. u remember Kier. They not got jetz zey must pay more, ya. For ze futcha!!! Yes Dad, don't worry, I remember now, fuk them. Heil Adolf. Ya, Heil Adolf.
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