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From: Denc 🗡 |
How they waste your money…
Private jet that returned 47 illegal migrants to Albania cost £22,000 per deportee Airbus 321 was shown in Home Office footage intended to demonstrate Government’s tough stance on illegal migration
The deportation flight filmed by the Home Office was on a private jet going to Albania at an estimated cost of £1 million, The Telegraph can reveal.
The Airbus 321, which can carry up to 220 passengers, took 47 Albanian illegal migrants and convicted criminals to their home country last month.
On Monday, the Home Office released footage and photographs of the migrants being led up the steps to the plane by security escorts as part of efforts to show the Government’s tough stance on illegal migration.
The estimated cost was £22,000 per deportee, based on using an aircraft contracted from a private airline to remove 50 people with no right to remain in the UK, according to a Home Office impact assessment on enforced returns to safe countries.
This includes the cost of paying for three privately contracted security escorts to travel with each migrant to prevent any disruption during the flight and on arrival, as well as monitoring and transporting individuals to any legal court sittings and to the airport.
The video and pictures showed up to five security escorts in hi-vis yellow tabards with body-worn cameras surrounding each migrant as they were led up the steps onto the chartered Airbus.
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